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SUU's Department of Theatre, Dance, and Arts Administration presents Shakespeare's  Julius Caesar. Be sure to pack a blanket and a warm jacket to enjoy the show under the stars! Tickets are available at the Utah Shakespeare Festival Box Office and can be purchased online at, by phone at (435) 586-7878, or in-person a half-hour before each performance.


After his victory in foreign wars, Julius Caesar is warned by a soothsayer to "beware the Ides of March" but dismisses the warning. Upon his return to Rome, Caesar is offered the crown, but he refuses. Despite his refusal, a group of conspirators led by Cassius convinces Brutus that Caesar's death is necessary to save Rome. On March 15, ignoring his wife Calphurnia's ominous dreams, Caesar goes to the Capitol where he is assassinated. At Caesar's funeral, Mark Antony's speech incites the crowd against the conspirators, leading to chaos. Eventually, the armies of Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus defeat those of Brutus and Cassius at Philippi.

Ticket Prices:

  • Adults: $12
  • Alumni: $10
  • Youth/Non-SUU Student: $6
  • SUU Students/Faculty/Staff: FREE (with a valid I.D.)

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